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Spending Limit Guidelines

Travel & Entertainment Limits

Receipts are required for expenses incurred and is aligned with the  (external link), as follows:

Expense amount required from receipts
Documentation Requirement Amount
Original Itemized Receipt $75

The maximum amount per person that can be reimbursed for allowable travel and entertainment expenses are as follows, budget permitting:

Guidelines for meals using sponsored dollars or per diem reimbursement method
Meals in-town or while traveling using sponsored dollars or the expense reimbursement per diem method Amount
Breakfast, lunch, dinner in town or while traveling domestically Limits align with
Breakfast, lunch, dinner while traveling internationally Limits align with the
Maximum per person spending limits for meals while traveling
Meals while traveling Maximum per person
Effective 3/1/2024
Breakfast $25
Lunch $50
Dinner $100
Maximum per person spending limits for meals in town
In-town meals and events, as permitted by Travel & Entertainment Policy Maximum per person
Effective 3/1/2024
Breakfast $ 25
Lunch $ 50
Dinner $ 100
Special circumstances - recruiting or fundraising for Vice Presidents, Deans, and department chairs $ 150
Annual party of general appreciation event $ 50
Holiday staff appreciation event located outside of Chicago $ 75
Holiday staff appreciation event located in Chicago $ 100
Entertainment essential for fulfillment of leadership duties, retirement events, reception $ 50
School wide or departmental meetings (lunch or light refreshments) $ 30
Commencement related receptions, graduate school recruitment events $ 50-75
Employee retreat *See Below

*Limit for employee retreats that include more than one meal should not exceed sum total of individual limits. For example, an all-day event could be $125 per person ($25 breakfast, $50 lunch, $50 reception).

  • Reimbursement will only be made up to the above limits, unless an exception form is reviewed and signed by the Dean, Vice President, or designee.
  • These amounts include the cost of food and beverages, labor, taxes, gratuities, staff benefit and other surcharges, credit card fees, and facilities charge/rental.
  • Please note that staff should plan meals in the most cost-effective way possible. The above limits do not mean the maximum limit should be spent.