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Review Process

Search committees are responsible for evaluating candidates based upon who best fits the needs, parameters and scope of a particular position as specified in the duties and qualifications listed in the position announcement. Such committees are expected to follow a carefully structured plan for reviewing applications based on consistent criteria and to treat all applicants fairly and consistently.

Once pre-search documentation is approved (i.e., all of the preceding steps under Preparing for a Search), the Faculty Recruiting System is available to facilitate the collection and review of applicant materials. Visit to access the FRS. See a comprehensive set of tutorials and guides for this system.

For assistance with the faculty search process, contact your search administrator, a school or department staff member whose role is to provide administrative assistance to the search committee chair and members.

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Acknowledge Applications

All those applying for a position through the Faculty Recruiting System will automatically receive confirmation of their completed application. Search administrators are able to edit the standard response text if they wish.

Initial Review of Candidates

  • Before the screening process begins, create unified criteria for evaluating candidates, including how to weigh them and how to measure quality in a given domain. Then screen candidates according to the criteria, using a common screening procedure for all applicants. For sample evaluation rubrics, see Appendix D.
  • If possible, the same group of two or more committee members should conduct the initial review of each application using the agreed-upon criteria referenced above.
  • Conduct a practice screening with a group review of one or more applications, to ensure that committee members understand and are using the agreed-upon criteria.
  • If possible, at least one committee member (or department member) should read at least one writing sample for every candidate, in order to avoid excessive reliance on proxies for quality judgments (such as prestige of degree-granting institution or quantity of publications).
  • Exercise care in considering recommendations and course evaluations.

Create the Short List

  • For initial phone or video interviews, use uniform questions and review criteria. Search committee members should agree in advance on a set of questions that will be asked of each candidate during interviews and should use structured evaluation templates for evaluating interviews. Ask each candidate the same questions in the same order. Following this carefully structured plan will ensure fairness and consistency for all candidates. For sample evaluation rubrics, see Appendix D.
  • Create your short list of all candidates who meet the qualifications for the position and whom you wish to invite for on-campus interviews. Submit this list, along with the relevant application materials, to the department chair and dean before any on-campus interviews are arranged.
  • Expand the number of candidates for on-campus interviews (e.g., four or five instead of three).
  • Care should be taken not to disqualify candidates based on assumptions about their mobility or personal life.