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Inauguration Steering Committee

The Inauguration Steering Committee, composed of 14 staff representing units across the University, led the planning and execution of the presidential inauguration ceremony and related events and activities. The Office of the President is appreciative of these dedicated staff leaders and their significant efforts to bring our extended 花季视频 community together in honor of this historic occasion.

Lesley-Ann Brown-Henderson
Assistant Vice President for Inclusion and Chief of Staff, Student Affairs
Instructor, Higher Education Administration and Policy

Katie Crane ’08, ’11 MS
Assistant Vice President and Associate Secretary to the Board of Trustees, Office of Administration and Planning

Morgan Estabrook
Senior Executive Director of Marketing and Communications, Alumni Relations and Development

Luke Figora
Vice President for Operations 

Alison Finkel ’19 MS
Director of Principal and International Giving, Alumni Relations and Development

Mike Hines
Assistant Vice President of Executive Communications, Office of the Provost 

Jake Julia
Vice Provost for Administration and Chief of Staff, Office of the Provost

Regan Lindsey ’15 MS
Associate Director of Special Events, Student Affairs 

Amy Oldfield
Senior Executive Director of Donor Relations and Special Events, Alumni Relations and Development

Corbin J. Smyth
Executive Director, Norris University Center 

Andrea Stokes
Senior Director of Special Events, Alumni Relations and Development

Nathan Taylor ’12 MMus
Senior Director and Assistant Secretary to the Board of Trustees, Office of Administration and Planning

Naomi Wei-En Wu ’20
Communications Coordinator, Office of the President

Jon Yates
Co-Interim Vice President and Assistant Vice President of Communications, Office of Global Marketing and Communications