Many situations can occur which make students consider subletting their apartment.
Some Factors to Consider
- Check with your landlord as to his/her requirements or procedures before subletting.
- If you are allowed to sublet, get your landlord’s permission in writing.
- The landlord has the right to approve any sublessee. However approval must be based on a financial assessment, not any discriminatory factors.
- Some landlords charge a fee to allow their tenants to sublet.
- Unless otherwise instructed, you may want to cover many of the items listed in this Sample Sublet Agreement (Word doc). This helps ensure that the sub-lessee understands and agrees to the terms of the sublet. You are still obligated to your landlord. So if the sublessee does not pay, you still are held responsible.
Find a Sublet
Students can look for available sublets posted by other NU students at , 花季视频's recommended site for finding apartments -- and sublets! -- for rent. Clicking the link above will take you to 花季视频's listing pages (Evanston and Chicago campuses only). Upon arriving, scroll down to find and click the button for "Student Sublets."
Be sure to or so that you can save what you find!
Post a FREE Sublet
If you are a student at 花季视频 University's Evanston or Chicago campuses, you can or at Places4Students to post a sublet, or post a roommate ad. When you create or modify an account you'll be able to update your sublet- or roommate-finding information. All student services are FREE.